Basic Information
Nicknames: "SAE"
Chapter Designation: Tau Gamma
Council: IFC
Founding Year at TCNJ: 2005
New Members: 6
Total Members: 51
New Member GPA: 2.603
Organization GPA: 3.012
Dollars Raised: 2452
Organization Status
Date(s) of Incident: September 23, 2021
Date of Resolution: December 9, 2021
Finding(s) of Responsibility:
- College Expectations for Behavior / 08. Compliance with Law & College Policy. Student Organizations must comply with all federal, state, and local laws and ordinances and College policy including: / a. Any College policy, rule or regulation published and available electronically on the College website.
- Probation effective December 9, 2021 through December 22, 2022. COMPLETED
- Action Plan: organization must review the action plan that was created by the chapter in the 2019-2020 academic year as a result of a previous college sanction. As a result of going through the conduct process for similar behavior regarding recruitment events, the chapter will need to review their risk management policies as they relate to bth TCNJ and SAE Headquarters. (deadline of May 20, 2022) COMPLETED
- In conjunction with your national organization, the chapter is expected to complete the following sanctions within the Spring 2022 semester where at least 90% of the chapter must be present: (deadline of May 20, 2022)
- Values Based Recruitment Workshop COMPLETED
- Event/Sober Monitor Training COMPLETED
- Minerva’s Shield Review (delayed until Fall 2022)
- Chapter must send at least 2 members to the fraternity’s leadership school. (August 2022)
Date(s) of Incident: September 8, 2019
Date of Resolution: November 19, 2019
Finding(s) of Responsibility:
- Student Organization: College Expectations for Behavior./01. Alcohol and Drugs./a No members, collectively or individually, shall purchase for, serve to, or sell alcoholic beverages to any Minor while on Organization Premises or during an Organization-Affiliated Event, in any situation sponsored or endorsed by the organization, or at any event an observer would associate with the organization. More specifically, the possession, sale, use or consumption of alcohol beverages must comply with any and all applicable laws of the state, province, county, city and College, and must comply with either BYOB Guidelines or Third Party Vendor Guidelines.
- Student Organization: College Expectations for Behavior./01. Alcohol and Drugs./d. The purchase or use of a bulk quantity or common source(s) of alcoholic beverages, for example, kegs or jungle juice is prohibited.
- Student Organization: College Expectations for Behavior./01. Alcohol and Drugs./h. All Recruitment/Rush/Intake and New Member activities associated with any Recognized Student Organization will be alcohol-free. No Recruitment/Rush/Intake and New Member activities associated with any Recognized Student Organization may be held at or in conjunction with a Tavern or alcohol distributor as defined in this policy. This includes, but is not limited to, “bid night,” “big/little” events or activities, or “family” events or activities.
- Student Organization: College Expectations for Behavior./07. Failure to Comply with Directive(s)./a. Recognized Student Organizations must comply with any written or verbal directive from the College or Student Government/Inter-Greek Council/Sports Club Council that is included in current College or Student Government/Inter-Greek Council/Sports Club Council policy and/or constitution, or that is a result of a policy violation and/or outcome of a conduct process.
- Probation effective November 19, 2019 through May 21, 2021 (sanction changed due to additional incident, see above)
- Loss of Privilege – prohibited from hosting events or gatherings with alcohol on or off-campus – effective November 19, 2019 through May 22, 2020 (Completed)
- TIPS Certification – chapter is required to have 90% of active membership become TIPS certified by May 22, 2020 (Completed)
- In consultation with SAE Headquarters:
- the chapter will develop a recruitment plan and create specific guidelines on the following items, to be completed by January 10, 2020: (Completed)
- ensure alcohol is not playing a part in recruitment either formally or informally
- communication plan for entire chapter around policies of alcohol and recruitment, expectations of members, and policies around alcohol and recruitment
- what is considered a recruitment event or the perception of a recruitment event?
- the chapter will review during their first chapter meeting of the 2020 year, the Fraternity’s good Samaritan policy and campus amnesty policy (Completed)
Date(s) of Incident: September 17, 2019
Date of Resolution: October 9, 2019
Finding(s) of Responsibility:
- Student Organization: College Expectations for Behavior./01. Alcohol and Drugs./h. All Recruitment/Rush/Intake and New Member activities associated with any Recognized Student Organization will be alcohol-free. No Recruitment/Rush/Intake and New Member activities associated with any Recognized Student Organization may be held at or in conjunction with a Tavern or alcohol distributor as defined in this policy. This includes, but is not limited to, “bid night,” “big/little” events or activities, or “family” events or activities.
- Student Organization: College Expectations for Behavior./05. Property./a. The Student Organization will not engage in, tolerate, or condone the unauthorized use or possession, or theft, damage, defacement or destruction of property belonging to others.
- Student Organization: College Expectations for Behavior./08. Compliance with Law & College Policy. Student Organizations must comply with all federal, state and local laws and ordinances and College policy including: a. Any College policy, rule or regulation published and available electronically on the College website.
- Probation effective October 9, 2019 through December 22, 2020 (sanction changed due to additional incident, see above)
- Loss of Privilege – prohibited from hosting events or gatherings with alcohol on or off-campus – effective October 9, 2019 through December 31, 2019 (sanction changed due to additional incident, see above)
- Action Plan: organization is required to complete an “action plan” as developed through undergoing an internal review of chapter risk management policies, as they relate to both The College of New Jersey and your (inter)national organization. This review shall be conducted under the direction of the Assistant Director for Fraternity and Sorority Life and in conjunction with your (inter)national organization. All chapter members should be included in this process, and the plan needs to include:
- detail responsible steps that the chapter will follow in order to become compliant with the risk management policies of both TCNJ and the (inter)national organization
- include a reasonable timeline with measurable goals and indicators of success
- include a goal for bystander intervention when brothers are not acting in congruence with TCNJ, IFC, and SAE policy, procedures, expectations, and values.
- this is due by May 22, 2020 (Completed)
- TIPS Certification – At least 1 members who have not previously been TIPS certified must become TIPS certified by May 22, 2020. (sanction changed due to additional incident, see above)
- In consultation with SAE Headquarters:
- Chapter must send at least two officers to the 2020 Executives Academy and graduate. The members sent must be elected to the respective officer position they are representing. This is due by January 31, 2020. (Completed)
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