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Zeta Phi Beta

Basic Information

Nicknames: "Zetas"
Chapter Designation: Omicron Epsilon
Council: UGC
Founding Year at TCNJ: 1974

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Total Members: 2
Organization GPA: 3.063


Organization Status

Date(s) of Incident/Report: February 2024

Date of Resolution: May 8, 2024

Finding(s) of Responsibility:

  • Student Organization: College Expectations for Behavior./06. Integrity./a. Failure to meet financial obligations with respect to College funds, or conducting any financial transaction unlawfully or unethically.
  • Student Organization: College Expectations for Behavior./07. Failure to Comply with Directive(s)./a. Recognized Student Organizations must comply with any written or verbal directive from the College or Student Government/Inter-Greek Council/Sport Club Council that is included in current College of Student Government/Inter-Greek Council/Sport Club Council policy and/or constitution, or that is a result of a policy violation and/or outcome of a conduct process.


  • Probation extended through May 26, 2026.
  • Financial Literacy Course: For the next two recruitment/intake cycles, all Zeta Phi Beta, Omicron Epsilon Chapter members are required to participate in a formal financial literacy course with the Student Finance Board Business Manager. Members will be responsible for contacting the SFB Business manager within the first two weeks of planned intake semesters to schedule. New intake members must also participate in the workshop, so scheduling should be conducted accordingly.
  • Leadership Conference: For the next two years, all Zeta Phi Beta, Omicron Epsilon Chapter members are required to attend at least one session of TCNJ’s Fall Leadership Conference, as organized by TCNJ’s Co-Curricular and Leadership Development Team. For more information for the upcoming Fall 2024 Leadership Conference, feel free to contact Each chapter member’s proof of attendance should be mailed to within one week of the conference.
  • Constitution Review: It is expected that Zeta Phi Beta, Omicron Epsilon Chapter members review and potentially rework their constitution with the TCNJ department of Student Life. A potential contact within the department to consider consulting would be the Coordinator for Fraternity and Sorority Life. This must be completed by May 23, 2025.
  • Other Recommendations: While not a requirement for the organization, given the aggravating factors that influenced the policy violations outlined above, it is encouraged the Zeta Phi Beta, Omicron Epsilon Chapter, consider the following recommendations:
    • One of the aggravating factors that led to the policy violations outlined above was the Zeta Phi Beta, Omicron Epsilon Chapter’s lack of access to an organization specific bank account, which led to one member’s use of her personal bank account for the organization’s funds and transactions. As a result, it is recommended the Zeta Phi Beta graduate chapter secure access to a bank account specific to the organization to ensure the members of the Zeta Phi Beta, Omicron Epsilon Chapter can ethically and safely conduct all organization related financial transitions and obligations.



Date(s) of Incident/Report: Fall 2022

Date of Resolution: September 29, 2023

Finding(s) of Responsibility:

  • Student Organization: College Expectations for Behavior./02. Hazing./a. No Student Organization, student, or alumnus shall conduct or condone Hazing activities.
  • Student Organization: College Expectations for Behavior./04. Personal Abuse./a. The Student Organization will not tolerate or condone any form of bullying, intimidation, harassment, invasion of privacy, defamation, or physical abuse as defined in the Student Conduct Code on the part of its members, whether physical, mental, or emotional. Abusive or harassing conduct directed at an individual or group because of membership in a protected category may result in an enhanced sanction.


  • Probation effective September 29, 2023 through September 29, 2025. (this has been extended by additional charges above)
  • Conflict Management Workshop: You are required to participate in a Conflict Management Workshop offered through TCNJ’s Office of Student Conduct & Off-Campus Services. Please email the Office of Student Conduct ( as early as the Spring 2024 semester to schedule this session. Based on the Thomas-Kilman Mode Instrument, the Conflict Management Workshop will focus on re-framing the way one looks at conflict, identifying several styles of conflict management that can be utilized based on the appropriateness of the situation, and learning where one’s strengths and weaknesses lie regards to utilizing different styles of conflict management. This must be completed by May 17, 2024. (Completed)

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