Basic Information
Nicknames: "DTD" , "Delt"
Chapter Designation: Kappa Epsilon
Council: IFC
Founding Year at TCNJ: 2016
New Members: 20
Total Members: 88
New Member GPA: 3.061
Organization GPA: 3.255
Total Volunteer Hours: 297
Dollars Raised: 341
Organization Status
Date(s) of Incident/Report: March 29, 2022
Date of Resolution: August 31, 2022
Finding(s) of Responsibility:
- Student Organization: College Expectations for Behavior./02. Hazing./a. No student Organization, student, or alumnus shall conduct or condone Hazing activities.
- Student Organization: College Expectations for Behavior./09. Disruption/Obstruction./a. Disruptive to, or obstruction of teaching, research, administrative, disciplinary proceedings, or other college activities or normal operation on or off campus.
- Deferred Suspension effective August 31, 2022 through May 21, 2024
- Officer Transition Plan: The chapter will create and implement a comprehensive Officer Transition Plan. The purpose of this sanction is to successfully prepare members stepping into newly appointed/elected leadership positions within the organization, as well as to maintain continuity of the chapter’s goals. Your organization should work with your chapter advisors/national headquarters on the Officer Transition Plan after elections, with some attention placed on education related to Delta Tau Delta’s Dyad work (i.e., the Member Impact Study – MIS). This must be completed by December 20, 2022. (Completed)
- Hazing Prevention Presentations/Workshops – Your chapter should arrange for a TCNJ staff member to provide a hazing prevention presentation or workshop to your organization, that should take place prior to starting the New Member processes that occur in both Spring 2023 and Fall 2023. As part of the hazing prevention initiative, the chapter should be informing New Members of their status on campus and what led to that status, as well as what they are doing to prevent something like that from happening again. This must be completed by January 30, 2022 (for Spring 2023) and September 30, 2023 (for Fall 2023). (Completed)
- While on deferred suspension, your organization is required to provide the Assistant Director for Fraternity and Sorority Life documentation regarding how you are communicating your chapter’s disciplinary status to members through both New Member Education and annual education of the chapter. The purpose of this sanction is to ensure the information is not lost in any leadership changes and in encouraging transparency with new members during their educational process.
- HQ Workshop/Presentation on Belonging: The chapter should arrange for a staff member from Delta Tau Delta National Headquarters to provide a presentation or workshop to your organization focused on belonging. This presentation/workshop should take place prior to starting the New Member process that occurs in Spring 2023. (Completed)
- Standards Board Training: The chapter will create a comprehensive Standards Board Training, which will focus on members holding one another accountable to the policies, standards, and values set by your National Headquarters and The College of New Jersey. The Standards Board Training should serve to (a) equip members of the Standards Board with the skills needed to provide unbiased peer-to-peer accountability, and (b) educate New Members about the role and scope of the Standards Board, and how to report an issue. This must be completed by November 21, 2022. (Completed)
- Recruitment Values Program: Delta Tau Delta will develop a Recruitment Values Program. This program will focus on the recruitment practices, centering on recruitment tactics/practices that attract New Members based on the principle that the fraternity’s values and the individual student’s values co-align. The program should emphasize the importance of a match made between the organization’s and individual’s’ values, interests, motivations, etc. This program should take place during your organization’s existing New Member recruitment process. (Completed)
Date(s) of Incident: August 19, 2020
Date of Resolution: September 23, 2020
Finding(s) of Responsibility:
- Student Organization: College Expectations for Behavior./01. Alcohol and Drugs/d. The purchase or use of a bulk quantity or common source(s) of alcoholic beverages, for example, kegs or jungle juice is prohibited.
- Student Organization: College Expectations for Behavior./09. Disruption/Obstruction./b. Behavior that disrupts the peace, academic study, or sleep of others on or off campus.
- Probation effective September 23, 2020 through May 21, 2021 COMPLETED
- Loss of Privilege – prohibited from hosting events or gatherings with alcohol on or off-campus – effective September 23, 2020 through December 31, 2020 COMPLETED
- Create and present a workshop to the chapter on the following: (review and feedback of materials ahead of presentation by Assistant Director of Student Conduct is required) (90% of chapter membership must be in attendance) COMPLETED
- expectations of brothers who live in off-campus residences and how their behavior reflects on the chapter
- review of the Recognized Student Organization Privileges and Responsibilities, specifically the College’s Expectations for Behaviors related to Drugs and Alcohol, which must cover:
- the general policies related to student organizations
- the BYO and Third Party Vendor Guidelines in Appendices A and B
- the Amnesty Policy
- Health and Safety Guidelines for COVID-19
- Brainstorm a list of activities brothers can engage in socially that do not violate the College’s expectations for behavior or current guidance related to COVID-19
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