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Student Organization Advisor Resources

Our student organization advisors play an instrumental role in our students’ success. Advisors provide not only institutional knowledge, but may also serve as a liaison between the College and the organization. The role of an advisor changes based on the needs expressed by the student organization. Some advisors may choose to be very active with their organizations, while others allow the organizations to come to them for guidance and support.

Advisors are asked to attend a training session once a semester, as new information about new policies and policy shifts directly impact the work that their student organizations do. Advisors are also required to complete Responsible Employee training once every two (2) years. Information on Responsible Employee training, as well as a list of all TCNJ Responsible Employees, can be located here.

Information regarding how to establish advisor roles and responsibilities, as well as the privileges and resources available to advisors and Recognized Student Organizations can be found by viewing the Recognized Student Organization Training Manual 2021

Every Recognized Student Organization is eligible to receive funding through the Student Finance Board (SFB). Please view the SFB Procedures for Semester & Annual Budgets Final manual for more details.

If your organization is seeking additional training for any area, or if you have any questions as it relates to your role as an advisor, please contact Maria Quattrocchi at to coordinate a session for them.

Roar app logo. All student organizations have access to utilize the TCNJ Roar app.

The TCNJ Roar app affords student organizations the ability to enter their events into the app.

A QR code can be generated for each event, allowing students to see who attended.

The TCNJ Roar app syncs class schedules with other events happening on campus, keeping everything in one place.
