Residential Education and Housing offers recognized student organizations the privilege of using designated hall lounges and facilities for meetings and small events. Each semester, ResEd determines residential needs for space and provides a schedule to BSC staff for any Student Affairs events. To request the use of a facility, a recognized organization must read the terms noted below and book the space from BSC staff.
During the Student Center Renovations, these residential spaces will also be available for Student Affairs offices and departments to reserve as long as they are for educational events that are open to all students. While BSC staff may reserve the space, departments/offices will have to coordinate room set up needs with Guest Services after the space is reserved.
1. Priority will be given for social and educational events that are open to all students.
2. Student Affairs staff, Residential Education & Housing staff and The Residence Hall Association have priority over the use of the lounge. In the rare event that they must supersede your reservation, you will be notified as soon as possible and alternate sites will be suggested. Only a Professional Staff Member may override a student organization reservation.
3. Amplified music is not permitted in the lounges unless prior approval is given. Noise must be kept to a reasonable level so as not to disrupt residents’ study or sleep environment. Complaints about noise from residents may result in staff requiring the event end early.
4. All College policies and procedures must be adhered to at all times.
5. The organization is responsible for cleaning the facility prior to the close of its event. Cleaning includes picking up all trash, taking to the dumpster any food items or large objects too big for the trash receptacles, removing tape and papers from the windows and walls, removing all decorations, arranging the furniture in its proper order, wiping up any spills, vacuuming the room if necessary (vacuums available in the hall office), etc. Be sure to close and lock all windows before leaving. Please be aware that spills may be difficult to clean off carpet (possibly resulting in charges for carpet replacement).
6. Never permitted in the lounge facilities are alcohol, candles, incense, amplified music, smoking, pets, or any other violation noted in the Social Contract, Guide to Residence Living, and Student Conduct Code.
7. Residential Education staff reserve the right to inspect the reserved space at anytime during an event.
8. Organizations may not begin reserving times in residence hall lounges until ResEd has determined their schedule for that semester (typically June for Fall and October for Spring).
9. Your organization or office/department is responsible for any damages (both financially and potentially through the Student Conduct Process) incurred in the lounge during your event. Residential Education & Housing staff will report any damages to Brower Student Center Staff within three days of an event.
10. Special Instructions for Allen Hall: Please do not drag furniture across the floor (lift it) to avoid scratching the floor. Pianos may not be moved.