If your Recognized Student Organization is planning to use a copyrighted work, you may need to obtain the written permission of the owner or purchase a license to use that work. The flowchart below is designed to help you make that determination and the Processes and Resources section can help you take those next steps if necessary. As always, please email studentlife@tcnj.edu if you need help with this!
Resources and Processes
If you determine that you need written permission from the owner or a license in order to use the copyrighted work, you should use your RSO email account to request and maintain all your documentation. Permission to use a copyrighted work should be maintained in the RSO email for 5 years. For works that are available through licensing, the following resources are commonly used by RSOs.
Swank Motion Pictures: 1-800-876-5577
Criterion Pictures USA: 1-800-890-9494